Saturday, January 9, 2010

Another morning

My friend Debi is back on her blog and has inspired me to focus on the positive! I am not sure how long that will last, but since I haven't gotten anywhere by complaining and moaning, I figure I ought to give it a try! Of course I am going to still have to moan and complain but I will look for the bright side somewhere in the midst of the crap! positive of the day (OK, it is actually yesterday, but I deserve a break because it is still early and I haven't had time for many good choices yet!) is that I did not eat ANYTHING after dinner last night. This is a MAJOR accomplishment for me and I am pleasantly surprised to find that I didn't perish in the process of abstaining from my late night snacks. As a result, even after breakfast this morning, the scale says 220.5 pounds. I am just glad to see the number hasn't gone up since I last weighed!


  1. Kara!!! That is a freakin' HUGE accomplishment! I swear the only ways I can keep myself from eating after supper are to either a.) stuff myself seriously stupid for supper or b.) got to bed at 8:00. Seriously, that is AWESOME!

  2. know those letter thingies you have to type in to post a comment (I forget what you call them)...anyway, you'll never guess what I had to punch in to post that last comment: "waffles"!!! That's just plain evil!
