Monday, January 25, 2010

This is crazy

I just can't seem to get my shit together and get going on reducing my butt size. I bought salad stuff and chicken and have all kinds of healthy food around but just don't feel like cooking it or eating it. The Girl Scout cookies haunt me instead!It is warm enough to start running outside but I can't seem to find a containment system strong enough to keep my DDD girls from knocking me out when I pick up a little bit of speed on the road! As if there is any "speed" involved...I am sure I could be overtaken by my 82 year old grandma even at my fastest pace.

Something has got to give sooner or later. At this point it looks like it may just be the buttons on my pants.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


I feel like I have barely had time to breathe, much less think about dieting. I am holding steady on the scale and just hoping to get a minute or two to think sometime in the next decade.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Another morning

My friend Debi is back on her blog and has inspired me to focus on the positive! I am not sure how long that will last, but since I haven't gotten anywhere by complaining and moaning, I figure I ought to give it a try! Of course I am going to still have to moan and complain but I will look for the bright side somewhere in the midst of the crap! positive of the day (OK, it is actually yesterday, but I deserve a break because it is still early and I haven't had time for many good choices yet!) is that I did not eat ANYTHING after dinner last night. This is a MAJOR accomplishment for me and I am pleasantly surprised to find that I didn't perish in the process of abstaining from my late night snacks. As a result, even after breakfast this morning, the scale says 220.5 pounds. I am just glad to see the number hasn't gone up since I last weighed!

Friday, January 8, 2010

My intentions are good...

but my follow through sucks rocks. I downloaded the podcast to go out and start my running training but that is as far as I got. Never even put the workout clothes on. I could blame it on the mounds of snow covering the sidewalk, but anyone who knows me well knows that my fat ass would still be rooted to the couch even if the sun were shining and the sidewalks were clear. To make myself feel better, I had a big plate of macaroni and cheese for dinner and then signed up for this challenge to make myself feel better. I don't even know what the challenge is...someone sent me the link and I thought I'd sign up. intentions are good.

Monday, January 4, 2010

The worst...

This is by far the hardest part of the day for me. If I had any sense at all, I would go to bed before 1 am and avoid the nighttime munchies that way. But alas, I don't seem to do that and I instead just want to cry when I think about all of the potato chips and ice cream out there in the world just waiting to be eaten. Sigh. Does this ever get any easier?