Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I'm baaaaaaaaack!

I decided that today is the day to start (crazy, really, since the holidays aren't yet over and I am sure I will be consuming massive amounts of food and drink tomorrow) because it is exactly 8 months from my next birthday and the 30th seemed like a good weigh-in/reevaluation day. Plus February doesn't have a 30th so I can pretend that month didn't happen!

So I suppose the holidays could have been worse for weight gain - I start this leg of the journey at 221.0 pounds. And it is true that my pants don't fit, my shirts are getting tight and even my underwear is strangling my innards.

I am trying to figure out how to motivate myself - how to truly find the thing(s) that I need to be able to stay on this path for good. I fully expect to take some totally fattening side trips from time to time but I HAVE to get this done. For myself, for my family, for my quality of life. How that is to happen remains to be seen.


  1. I decided to "restart" yesterday, though I didn't post about it. I've sort of decided that I'm going to try baby steps. Celebrate the small "good" decisions I make. And then see if I can work my way up. Yesterday's good decision (yeah, I can only recall one...though at least there were no major "bad" decisions) was having just one grilled cheese sandwich for lunch instead of my normal two. I know, I know, I'm clinging to straws here, aren't I?

  2. Debi-
    I do not think that is straw clinging...that is a big deal! And baby steps are always good!

    On another note, you are going to have to send me a link to your diet blog...I can't find it!
