Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I'm baaaaaaaaack!

I decided that today is the day to start (crazy, really, since the holidays aren't yet over and I am sure I will be consuming massive amounts of food and drink tomorrow) because it is exactly 8 months from my next birthday and the 30th seemed like a good weigh-in/reevaluation day. Plus February doesn't have a 30th so I can pretend that month didn't happen!

So I suppose the holidays could have been worse for weight gain - I start this leg of the journey at 221.0 pounds. And it is true that my pants don't fit, my shirts are getting tight and even my underwear is strangling my innards.

I am trying to figure out how to motivate myself - how to truly find the thing(s) that I need to be able to stay on this path for good. I fully expect to take some totally fattening side trips from time to time but I HAVE to get this done. For myself, for my family, for my quality of life. How that is to happen remains to be seen.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Couldn't tell ya...

what I have been eating or how much I weigh. It has been one hell of a week. I have been sick and there has been so much going on I feel like I may never sleep again.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Things just keep getting worse. I am now up to 218.5 according to my scale. I feel like dog shit (sore throat and cough) and just want to shrink down to a size 8 by tomorrow. Is that really too much to ask?

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

New beginning

I am in my new spot...the other blog site just wasn't working for me. Nor was the weight loss thing, but that is a whole 'nother story...

Things in fatland are not going well...I have put on 6 pounds since I last posted a weight and I bought two new pairs of jeans in the next larger size. My "aha" moment has come and gone and I am hungrier than ever. With the holidays coming up, my little guy entering the "terrible twos" a little early and my motivation at an all time low, fat camp way out of my price range (yeah, I checked) I have decided it is time to do something drastic. REALLY drastic...


I learned with the 60 mile walk that it is really a good thing for me to have a goal that I am locked into (i.e. paid money and told people about). Otherwise, I can tell myself there is always tomorrow. I have not announced this to the world on my "real" blog yet because I am still too embarrassed to have my family shaking their heads and chuckling and mumbling "yeah, right!" when I say it. I am not sure how I am going to go from a 216 pound couch potato who would struggle to run a block even with a bear chasing me to someone who can run 13 miles, but I have a year to figure it out. I guess I better get my fat ass moving.