Wednesday, December 9, 2009

New beginning

I am in my new spot...the other blog site just wasn't working for me. Nor was the weight loss thing, but that is a whole 'nother story...

Things in fatland are not going well...I have put on 6 pounds since I last posted a weight and I bought two new pairs of jeans in the next larger size. My "aha" moment has come and gone and I am hungrier than ever. With the holidays coming up, my little guy entering the "terrible twos" a little early and my motivation at an all time low, fat camp way out of my price range (yeah, I checked) I have decided it is time to do something drastic. REALLY drastic...


I learned with the 60 mile walk that it is really a good thing for me to have a goal that I am locked into (i.e. paid money and told people about). Otherwise, I can tell myself there is always tomorrow. I have not announced this to the world on my "real" blog yet because I am still too embarrassed to have my family shaking their heads and chuckling and mumbling "yeah, right!" when I say it. I am not sure how I am going to go from a 216 pound couch potato who would struggle to run a block even with a bear chasing me to someone who can run 13 miles, but I have a year to figure it out. I guess I better get my fat ass moving.

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