Friday, February 11, 2011

Some days are better than others

Fortunately, today is a pretty good day. I only had about one 30 minute stint of nausea, the sun is shining and the snow is melting. It is all (relatively) good!

It has been an interesting ride over the last two months, but if one can be thankful for a chronic illness, I guess I am. Or at least might as well be since diabetes doesn't much care if I am thankful or not. I am still on the same meds and still seem to have some side effects from them, but I am feeling MUCH better overall. Good blood sugar control, very little reflux, occasional nausea and a 23 pound weight loss. My heart and eyes have checked out OK. I am exercising 5-6 days a week (something I still abhor, by the way). My pants fit, I can still eat some tasty foods and my love of gadgets has found a match in the variety of glucose meters I have collected.

Having diabetes sucks. It really, really does. But it has forced me to live differently and take responsibility for my health. It's just too damn bad I couldn't do that BEFORE and possibly prevent the disease all together. Water under the bridge, I guess.