Monday, April 12, 2010

Back on the path

I have been absent from this blog for quite a while. I haven't had much to write on my "real" blog either, though, so it isn't just fatness that has me down evidently.

Actually, I haven't been "down" per se. Just busy and tired and wishing there were 10 of me or 30 hours in a day or just less to get done. And less of my fat ass hanging around with me while I do it all.

I did get in one day of deliberate exercise last week. Not much in the real world, but better than nothing. and considering I had an excellent week on the eating front, I don't feel too bad about it. I mean, subsisting on celery and fruit and egg whites should peel off the pounds even if I don't get tons of exercising in, right?

I did find that after a few days of truly controlled eating I wasn't terribly hungry and I didn't crave any of my normal junk food. I think there is more relation to the "if you torture someone long enough they just give up" as opposed to the "the body will only crave healthy and natural foods in small amounts once you cleanse it of toxins" principle in the reaction my body had, but I am OK with that if it works!

I will weigh in tomorrow. I am probably at just about the same weight I was when I posted last. And I'll tell you something...I am just THRILLED about putting my bathing suit on in a couple of months. I mean, what is more attractive than a 200+ pound woman stuffed into a stretchy black and white sausage casing? Feast your eyes on that, people!